Your plans in burying our dear brother Polyneices is too risky. I am thinking that you should be much more careful and that you shouldn't let anyone catch sight of you performing the burial. You are my only gem left to me. Although I agree with your plan to put dust over dear Polyneices' corpse, I am not confident if it will keep away the dogs and vultures from tearing away Polyneices' flesh. Another problem with your plan is that the corpse will rot and smell, which may cause the attraction of those blood-hungry dogs and vultures. By now the corpse is probably rotting... O pitiful Polyneices! I am not so confident, but let's try even if it will take our lives. That dreadful Creon is too stubborn to let anyone off the hook for disobeying his commands and orders, but I am hoping the gods will be on our side.
Please gods of heaven hear my prayer to my dear Antigone! Eventhough, I do not take action in this, I will pray for the gods to bless you and help you to bury our pitiful brother Polyneices! I may seem to have spontaneously come forth to stand with dearest Antigone, but I thought it through.
I want to do this with you, O bold one, because you are correct; Polyneices is one of our blood brothers so he shall also receive the same kind of burial rites as Eteocles. I recently changed my mind not long from when I realized your truthful words were more than reality. This was my motivation to stand tall and strong with you sister. Do not worry too much, just concentrate on our duties. I am hoping that the gods will take pity in Polyneices and let the dust bury him to his eternal slumber.
Your Sister,
Hi Va, I really like your letter to Antigone. (:
Thanks Va! You're a pretty good writer too :)
All I do is just write down what I'm thinking, I think it adds more of my personality. Then I just go back and edit to make it sound more organized.
LOL. Actually, I explored for awhile, but nothing helped. Then I read yours, and I got ideas. So thanks to your BLOG I wrote something. LOL. Keep up the good writing. (:
Your letter really is good. It has some qualities that makes it nice and has some emotions with it like courage for example
The language you use is very nice.
Your letter is pretty interesting.
Wow . Your letter was very good l actually learned alot from it . Thanks .
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